首页 > 英语词典 > they'd


英 [ðeɪd]
  • abbr.

    they had 他们过去曾经;they would 他们愿意;

  • 学习怎么用


    Whites Who Say They'd Flee: Who Are They, and Why Would They Leave?
    Reducing effort to protect perceived ability: "They'd do it but I wouldn't."
    "He said they'd deport me": factors influencing domestic violence help-seeking practices among Latina immigrants.
    "The Most Uninhibited Party They'd Ever Been to": The Postwar Encounter between Psychiatry and the British Lesbian, 1945-1971
    If Political Design Changed Anything They'd Make it Illegal: Review Essay on Carl DiSalvo's Adversarial Design
    The Hard Truth about Soft Skills: Workplace Lessons Smart People Wish They'd Learned Sooner
    Teaching tips we wish they'd told us before we started, small college class edition
    If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it
    By Noon They'd Both Be In Heaven
    DRGs' first 6 months: many hospitals are doing better than they'd expected