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so far

英 [səʊ fɑ:]
美 [soʊ fɑr]
  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    so far

    • adv.
      • used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time

        同义词:thus farup to nowhithertoheretoforeas yetyettil nowuntil now

      • to the degree or extent that

        同义词:insofarin so farto that extentto that degree

      • used after a superlative




    1. The bus route goes so far as that, so you'll need to take a taxi.
    2. So far I haven't heard of anybody who wants stop living on account of the cost.
    3. I am resolved to try story-writing but so far have not made a start.
    4. The scientist is doing experiments no one has so far attempted.
    5. It's the hottest day I've had so far.
    6. I agree up to a point, but things are not so easy.
    7. I don't know how far to rely on him.
    8. You can trust him only so far and no further.


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