首页 > 英语词典 > sequacious


英 [sɪ'kweɪʃəs]
美 [sɪˈkweʃəs]
  • adj.


  • 学习怎么用


    Research on Changing the Action of Sequacious Answering of Deaf Students in Class of New Curriculum
    T.V. Script: The Serendipitous Sixties and the Sequacious Seventies.
    Review: Long Sequacious Notes
    Long Sequacious Notes
    Assessment of swimming safety of male and female students since 2002 till 2009 sequaciously and evaluation of swimming knowledge at ...
    The Non-Sequaciousness of Ralph Waldo Emerson
    All solutions of a system of recursion equations in infinite trees and other contraction theories
    Fecal specimen collection, preserving and transport device and method
    Article for hydro-propulsion with enhanced performance and safety capabilities
    Specimen collection and storage and transport device and method