首页 > 英语词典 > fluoroscopy


英 [ˌflʊə'rɒskəpɪ]
美 [ˌflʊr'rɒskəpɪ]
  • n.


  • 英英释义

    fluoroscopy[ flu(:)ə'rɔskəpi ]

    • n.examination of body structures using a fluoroscope


    Virtual fluoroscopy
    Virtual fluoroscopy: computer-assisted fluoroscopic navigation.
    Polymeric stent suitable for imaging by MRI and fluoroscopy
    Frequent chest X-ray fluoroscopy and breast cancer incidence among tuberculosis patients in Massachusetts.
    Percutaneous vertebroplasty guided by a combination of CT and fluoroscopy
    The Significance of Coronary Calcification Detected by Fluoroscopy: A Report of 360 Patients
    Accurate measurement of three-dimensional knee replacement kinematics using single-plane fluoroscopy.
    Percutaneous screw fixation of acetabular roof fractures by radiologists under CT and fluoroscopy guidance.
    Comparison of breast cancer incidence in the Massachusetts tuberculosis fluoroscopy cohort and in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors.
    Substantial superiority of semiflexed (MTP) views in knee osteoarthritis: a comparative radiographic study, without fluoroscopy, of ...