a series of...
Morrow JD, Hill KE, Burk RF, Nammour TM, Badr KF, and Roberts LJ. A series of prostaglandin F2-like compounds are produced in vivo i...Estimation of effect size from a series of independent experiments.A SERIES OF SIMPLE BASIC INDICATORS. I. THE ACIDITY FUNCTIONS OF MIXTURES OF SULFURIC AND PERCHLORIC ACIDS WITH WATER1Surgical complications of diagnostic and operative gynaecological laparoscopy: a series of 29,966 cases.On the Process of Cellular Division in Escherichia coli: A Series of Mutants of E. coli Altered in the Penicillin-Binding ProteinsA series of wide-host-range low-copy-number vectors that allow direct screening for recombinants.Magnaporthe grisea genes for pathogenicity and virulence identified through a series of backcrosses.The cerebellum contributes to higher functions during developmentEvidence from a series of children surgically treated for posterior...ESCA applied to polymers. XXVI. Investigation of a series of aliphatic, aromatic, and fluorine-containing polycarbonatesHyperimmunoglobulinemia D and periodic fever syndrome. The clinical spectrum in a series of 50 patients. International Hyper-IgD Stu...