a sense of humor
A Sense of HumorA Sense of HumorA Sense of HumorBen & Jerry's, the inside scoop : how two real guys built a business with a social conscience and a sense of humor#HashtagWars: Learning a Sense of HumorIntervening during crises of life transitions: Promoting a sense of humor as a stress moderatorSemEval-2017 Task 6: #HashtagWars: Learning a Sense of Humor"Have Women a Sense of Humor?": Comedy and Femininity in Early Twentieth-Century FilmThe Natural-Constructive Approach to Representation of Emotions and a Sense of Humor in an Artificial Cognitive SystemDo individuals with autism lack a sense of humor? A study of humor comprehension, appreciation, and styles among high school student...The relationship between a sense of humor and situational leadership styles, flexibility, and effectiveness /SVNIT @ SemEval 2017 Task-6: Learning a Sense of Humor Using Supervised ApproachOne quality in men might be even more attractive than good looks and a sense of humor