a fit of
- The policemen were assailed by a shower of stones.
警察遭到一阵石块的袭击。 - Rumours of an imminent earthquake startled a panic.
A fit of upsilon and charmonium spectraA simultaneous fit of bb, cc,ss (bcs Pairs) and cs spectraA simultaneous fit of b, c,s (bcs Pairs) and c spectraA global fit of $ππ$ and $πK$ elastic scattering in ChPT with dispersion relationsChoosing Among Hypotheses of Rattlesnake Phylogeny: A Best-Fit Rate Test for DNA Sequence DataSearch for Lorentz Invariance breaking with a likelihood fit of the PKS2155-304 flare data taken on MJD 53944Pathways and Timescales of Primary Charge Separation in the Photosystem II Reaction Center as Revealed by a Simultaneous Fit of Time...A fit of baryon decay rates within SU(3)A fit of the potential energy surface of the LiHF systemA global fit of LEP/SLC data with light superpartners